How To Set Up Flashing Yellow Arrow Mode G On The MMU2-16LE For An ATSI Test

  1. Open the ATSI tester software.
  2. Click on the “Setting” Tab.
  3. In the Test Setup menu select the “Diagnostic” in the Test Type.
  4. Click on the “Optional” tab and scroll down to you see FYA NEMA mode G and turn on the check box.
  5. Hit OK and this will test only the Optional you have checked.
  6. You must also setup the monitor to Mode G for FYA. On the monitors main menu click “Menu” and hit select bottom.
  7. Move arrow on the right down one to “SET / VIEW CONFIG”.
  8. Hit next bottom until you get to “ FLASHING YELL ARROW” and hit select bottom.
  9. Select the G mode by hitting the next button until you see Mode G on the screen.
  10. Hit the select button to turn on the channel pairing mode. Turn on all 4 pairs. (you many only use one or two in the field, but for the test you must have all pairs on) Hit exit button and select “Set?” to make the changes.
  11. The next screen is telling you that it turn off the Red Yellow Inputs to channels 9, 10, 11, and 12. (you cannot turn them on, this is to only let you know that it turn them off) Hit exit button to continue.
  12. The screen is to allow you to turn on the “FLASHRATE FAULT” and “FYA TRAP DETECT”. For the ATSI test turn them ON so it can test them. (ATSI Does not test for yellow trap at this time) Hit exit button and select “Set?” to make the changes.
  13. You are not done. You must run the SETUP WIZARD to do the FYA ATSI test, because there are other settings that must be set. Under “FLASHING YELL ARROW” there is “SETUP FOR ATSI TEST” this is for the base Certification, not the FYA mode test. If you select it the right screen comes up and tells you that it will reset everything.
  14. Go ahead and run the SETUP WIZARD, make Channels 13-16 used, say yes to monitoring Don’t Walks, make channels 9 – 12 Peds and do not select any channels to be protected-permissiveturns. At this time the “Review Assignments” screen should be on check to make sure all is correct. Hit exit button and select “Set?” to save.
  15. If you notice the following screen comes up, tell you that the wizard has set the following: Dual Indication, Minimum Yellow+Red Clearance and Field Check. So if you do not run the wizard you would have to do that.
  16. Install the Mode G FYA card. (See below)
    1. (1-5,6,11) (2-5,6,9,11) (3-7,8,12) (4-7,8,10,12) (5-9) (6-9,11) (7-10)(8-10,12) (9-11) (10-12)
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