How To Set Up Flashing Yellow Arrow Mode L On The MMU2-16LE For An ATSI Test

Prepare The Equipment

  1. Attach MMU2 to PCMT-8000 (3 connectors)
  2. Insert blank MMU card into monitor
  3. Power up PCMT-8000

PCMT-8000 Test Manager Software Setup

  1. Start PCMT-8000 test manager software
  2. Select monitor info: enter MMU2 data (example as follows)
    • Manufacturer=EDI
    • Model=MMU2-16LEip-E (label on top front of MMU)
    • Serial #=08121447 (label on top front of MMU)
    • Device ID=235725-1 REV. 0173 (label on top front of MMU)
    • Location=Palmer M&O (or other)
    • Test by= Tester initials (AM)
    • Agency=ADOT&PF
    • Notes= firmware update version and IP address of intersection
  3. Select OK
  4. Select Test Setup
    • Test=NEMA TS2
    • Monitor Type=16 channel MMU2 FYA
    • Test type=Certification
    • Test Laps=1
    • Run Optional Tests=checked
    • Show all available optional tests=checked
  5. Hit “select all” in lower left
    • Un-check all items with a “type 12” indicated
    • Un-check everything below LGND/EGND isolation with the exception of “FYA EDI MODE L” which remains checked
  6. Select OK
  7. Select Settings
    • Report Date Format=DD MMM YYYY
    • Report Time Format=24 Hour
    • Saved Report Format=Terse
    • Saved Report Font=11
    • Saved Report Directory=Directory of choice for saved report location on PC
    • Beep when response is required=Your preference, check or uncheck
  8. Select OK
  9. Select PCMT INFO
    • Select “get PCMT info”. The software should report the serial number, firmware version and latest calibration date. If not stop and ensure proper communication with the PCMT unit before continuing.
  10. Select Close
  11. Click the green start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen to start the test. When the “caution” dialog box appears the MMU powers up and needs to be set up for the test.

Set Up The Monitor For Testing

  1. Select copy from program card
  2. Push next and then select “menu”
  3. Use next to get cursor to “set/view config” and select
  4. Use next to scroll to” unit options” and select
  5. Use next to scroll to” program card memory” and select “on” then hit exit
  6. Use next to get to “set up for ATSI test” (near end of list) and select
  7. Use next button to select “set”
  8. On PC select OK. Test should complete with “Failure count=0”

FYA Test

  1. When dialog box appears on PC “insert the program card for FYA EDI MODE L”, remove blank MMU card from MMU under test and insert FYA Mode L card programmed for 8 phase flashing yellow arrow.
  2. Select OK on PC. When the dialog box appears on the PC the MMU powers up and needs to be set up for the FYA portion of testing.
  3. Select copy from program card
  4. Push next and then select “menu”
  5. Use next to get cursor to “set/view config” and select
  6. Use next to get to “Flashing Yellow Arrow” (near end of list) and select
  7. Select FYA MODE L
  8. Enable CHpair mode L
    • ch 1-13=on
    • ch 3-14=on
    • ch 5-15=on
    • 7-16=on
  9. Push exit
  10. Enable Ry inp Mode L
    1. Ch 13 R&Y input=off
    2. Ch 14 R&Y input=off
    3. Ch15 R&Y input=off
    4. Ch16 R&Y input=off
  11. Push Exit
  12. Flashrate fault=on
  13. FYA trap detect=off
  14. Select exit
  15. Use next to get to “set-up wizard” and select
  16. Hit next to begin wizard
  17. Select unused channels (none for testing purposes) hit exit
  18. Select next
  19. Are ped don’t walk signals monitored? Select yes
  20. Use next to select channel and select to set monitoring (ch 9-12 set for ped monitoring)
  21. Hit exit
  22. Select next
  23. Select prot-perm turns (none for testing purposes)
  24. Hit exit
  25. Select next
  26. Review assignments
  27. Hit exit
  28. Select set. Should see new perams set for : dual ind ,red fail, MYRC, & field check
  29. Hit exit three times
  30. Select OK on PC. Test should complete with failure count =0
  31. Save PDF version of MMU certification report to file of choice on PC (make sure and note of the testing year in file heading)
  32. Attach MMU2 paper report to MMU (best to fold into quarters and tape to top of MMU)
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