Procedure For 2010ELC OP Test With Flashing Yellow Arrow Test (Compact Mode)

Standard Test

  1. Enter 2010ELC Monitor data into Monitor Info (serial number, etc.)
  2. Set dips (SSMs) on 2010ELC Monitor
    1. Top dip switch: 1,4,6,7 “on” (all others “off”)
    2. Middle dip switch: all “on”
    3. Bottom dip switch: all “on”
    4. WD Enable: “on”
  3. Insert “Regular Test Card” all diodes are soldered in
  4. Start test (make sure you Reset Monitor for 5 sec after setting switches). Tester will “beep” when complete.

FYA (Compact) Test

  1. Remove 2010ELC Monitor from tester unit
  2. Reset dip switch to the following:
    1. Top dip switch: 1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 “on” (all others “off”)
    2. Middle dip switch: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 “on”
    3. Bottom dip switch: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 all “off”
  3. Remove “Regular Test Card” and insert “FYA Test Card”(see below)
  4. Reinsert 2010ELC Monitor to the ATIS tester unit
  5. Go to ATSI software, “Test Set” “Test Type” click “Diagnostic”
  6. Go to Optional ta,b move down to “FYA Mode E” and check.
  7. Select “OK” to continue.
  8. Follow instruction on Screen. Tester will “beep” when complete.
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