Procedure For 2010ELC OP Test With Flashing Yellow Arrow Test (Compact Mode)
Standard Test
- Enter 2010ELC Monitor data into Monitor Info (serial number, etc.)
- Set dips (SSMs) on 2010ELC Monitor
- Top dip switch: 1,4,6,7 “on” (all others “off”)
- Middle dip switch: all “on”
- Bottom dip switch: all “on”
- WD Enable: “on”
- Insert “Regular Test Card” all diodes are soldered in
- Start test (make sure you Reset Monitor for 5 sec after setting switches). Tester will “beep” when complete.
FYA (Compact) Test
- Remove 2010ELC Monitor from tester unit
- Reset dip switch to the following:
- Top dip switch: 1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 “on” (all others “off”)
- Middle dip switch: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 “on”
- Bottom dip switch: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 all “off”
- Remove “Regular Test Card” and insert “FYA Test Card”(see below)
- Reinsert 2010ELC Monitor to the ATIS tester unit
- Go to ATSI software, “Test Set” “Test Type” click “Diagnostic”
- Go to Optional ta,b move down to “FYA Mode E” and check.
- Select “OK” to continue.
- Follow instruction on Screen. Tester will “beep” when complete.
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