How To Run A Compact Mode Flashing Yellow Arrow Test On The 2018E Conflict Monitor

Part 1: Set Up Monitor

  1. Enter 2018E monitor data into Monitor Info (serial number, etc.). Set Reno 2018E to ATSI test.
  2. Set all “RED FAIL SWITCHS” and “DUAL-ENABLES SWITCH” dip switch to the ON position.
  3. Set all “OPTIONS” Dip switch to off (1, 3, 5, 6, and 8) and dip switch 2 (FYA EN) and 7 (2010) on.
  4. Insert “FYA Compact Mode Test Card” see picture below of jumped pairs (for this test we use a 16 Channel Card- you can use a 18 Channel Card with same numbers)
  5. Start test (make sure you Reset Monitor for 5 sec after setting switches) unit should beep twice.

Part 2: Set Up Software

  1. Open RAECom software to program the FYA channels.
  2. Connect to the monitor and go to monitor configuration screen. (you should see information on top banner, if you get ? marks you are not talking to the Unit)
  3. On the “Electronic Options” screen do the following:
    • Check Channel 1 FYA Setting 2 and 9
    • Check Channel 3 FYA Setting 4 and 10
    • Check Channel 5 FYA Setting 6 and 11
    • Check Channel 7 FYA Setting 8 and 12
  4. On the "Software Options" screen do the following:
    • Check box for “FYA Ignores YEL Conflict”
    • Check box for “FYA Drive User Yellow”
    • Check box the “Disable Buzzer” is not required, it is optional
  5. You must send the changes you just made to the monitor.
  6. On the Monitor Configuration screen Click on the icon with a traffic light and pencil which is the “Set Configuration Data to Monitor”
  7. You should hear a beep from the monitor letting you know that you have just sent a change configuration.
  8. Install the monitor into the tester and now you're ready to set up the ATSI tester.

Part 3: Set Up ATSI Tester

  1. Click on ATSI software.
  2. On the software click on “Monitor Info” and fill it out. Hit OK.
  3. Next go to “Test Setup” and select Caltrans Model 2010 Monitor Type 16 Channel (If you are doing an 18 Channel select 18).
  4. Select “Test Type” Diagnostic” hit ok. (For this example, we're only testing the mode FYA [Fig.1] but you could add this to your certification by clicking on Run Optional Tests [see Fig.2]) Click “OK” box.
  5. Hit the Green button and follow instructions.
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