Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) signal issue in a TS1 cabinet with an EDI monitor

When a controller is programmed to do a “Leading Pedestrian Interval” (LPI) the monitor sees the walk indication on the through movements or Phases 2,4,6, and 8 in the EDI TS 1 NEMA monitor. The Ped channels are assigned to load switches 9,10,11 and 12, but in the monitor's case, it believes that it is connected and paired to 2,4,6 and 8.


In the EDI MMU2 NEMA monitor, if the monitor gives you a Dual Indication Fault, the monitor believes that the walk of the straight-through movement (let’s say Phase 2) is also on with the through movement (phase 2) red indication, which is a Dual Indication Fault.

If you want to do “Leading Pedestrian Interval” you need to program the monitor, so you do not get this fault.

How to assign the Ped movement:

  1. First you will reprogram the monitor with the Set-up Wizards. Go to Main Menu and select "Menu”.
  2. Push the ‘Next” Button” until you see the “Set/View Config” hit the Select button.
  3. Push the ‘Next” Button” until you see “Set Factory Default” Hit the select button. Here move the arrow to “Set” and hit the select button. This will reset the monitor, and, on the screen, you will be pointing to “Set-Up Wizards” and hit the select button.
  4. Here you select the channels that are not being used, once you hit this hit the exit button. It will ask you if you want to do Next, Cancel, or Exit. Highlight "Next" and hit Select button.
  5. The next question will be asking you where you have your pedestrian movements. Traditionally in a TS1 cabinet, you would tell the monitor that they are on channels 2, 4, 6, and 8. Selecting these channels, the monitor will give you a dual indication if you use leading pedestrian intervals.
  6. At this point to avoid the dual indications, you will assign the PED channels to 9, 10, 11, and 12 movements. (see picture below) It will ask you if you want to do Next, Cancel, or Exit. Highlight "Next" and hit the select button.

  7. Now it asks if you have protected permitted turn arrows. If you don't have Prot/Perm turn movement, hit the Exit button, arrow to Next, and the Select button.
  8. Your review screen should come up (see below). This screen will show you what channels you are monitoring. If you notice the walk indications are on channels 9,10, 11, and 12, not 2,4,6, and 8. Hit the Exit button, move the arrow to “Set” and hit the select button.

  1. The only thing left is to take the Program Card and assign all the permissiveness from the straight-through movement to the ped channels. For example, Phase 2 and Phase 9 should have a permissive jumper on the board, and Phase 4 should have a jumper on 4 and 10 (and so on with the straight-through movements).

Once you complete the setup you should not be getting a dual indication when you do an LPI on a TS1 cabinet.

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