ATC Cabinet FAQs

Are any of the ATC parts hot swappable—load switches, CMU & SIUs?

Hot swapping is not recommended. Hot swapping is NEVER a good idea with electronics. First, robust hot swapping cannot be guaranteed without a suitable connector system or other solution that provides proper sequencing of the ground and power pins. In many of the DC powered devices such as the SIU2218, EDI provides a “hot-swap” power controller. In AC powered devices like the CMU and HDSP-FU, this not an option. Hot swapping cards will also generate arcing on the connector pins. This arcing will either damage the pin, or at least burn off the gold flash and potentially affect long term reliability of the connection. Nobody should expect to replace a processor card in a CU while power is applied. The HDSP-FU cards are now electronics based with DIN connectors. This differs significantly from conventional 332 load switches that had no affected electronics and a connector that could withstand any amount of arcing without damage.

If an HDSP-FU or CMU needs to be replaced, then the cabinet will already be in flash mode (hot unplugging with load currents being driven during RYG operation is also not recommended). All ATC Cabinets have a separate and accessible breaker switch to power down the Output Assembly. With no power to the Output Assembly, the intersection will remain in active flashing mode since this does not affect the HDFU. If a technician needs or wants to plug an HDSP or CMU, the best practice would be to flip the Output Assembly breaker OFF and do it cold.

In the CMU-2212 manual the FYA monitoring limit is up to 6.  Is there a possibility of this being upgraded to handle at least 8 FYAs? 

Quick update to the question below regarding your interest in having the ATCC CMUip-2212 support eight FYA approaches. We have just finished the firmware update (v0120) that provides this capability. It will be in a future firmware release after it goes through our firmware test cycle. It should be there by the time you are evaluating an ATCC needing eight FYAs it will certainly be available to you. (3/28/19)

What product are you trying to read the datakey for?

If correct model is the 2018KCLip then you need to change the Target parameter for MonitorKey:

a) Select the menu item SETUP / TARGET.

b) Select the proper model from the pull-down list.

c) Click OK

d) Close the MonitorKey program and restart it.

e) The splash screen should show the new target product. It is also shown in the Status bar in the lower left corner of the screen.

What is a load switch and why do we need them?

Load switch is the device that takes the logic information from the Controller and turn the lights on/off.

How is the HDSP iPack@ different from a NEMA Load Switch?

The HDSP iPack@ controls 2 phases where the NEMA Load Switch controls only one. The HDSP iPack@ contains its own diagnostics so when there's a problem with unit it will let you know.

What does the blue indication light on the ADU mean?

When blue indication light is on, it should draw your attention to a problem channel and/or component. So if they have a “LACK OF SIGNAL FAULT” the blue indication light on the ADU shows you the channel the lack of signals on. It may also turn on the blue indication light of the HDSP iPack@ to let you know that the issue is on this unit.

What does the acronym CMU stand for?

Cabinet Monitor Unit (CMU)

What happens when you press the reset button on a latched fault on the CMU?

If you correct the fault from the monitor, it should allow the controller to take over control of the intersection and run in normal operation.

How many log files can the CMU display in ECcom?

  • Signal Sequence Logs = 1 log
  • Previous Fail Event Logs =18 logs
  • AC Line Event Logs =33 logs
  • Monitor Reset Event Logs =18 logs
  • Configuration Logs = 1 log
  • Chronological Event Logs = this is a combination of the above log

What is the difference between a latched and non-latched fault on the CMU?

A latched fault transitions the outputs to the flash unit and the intersection goes into flash. Non-latched fault lets you know that there's an issue but does not put the intersection into a flash state.

Is there still a dedicated load switch for the Flashers?

No, the HDSP iPack@ can be used as an output switch (Load Switch) or used as a Flash Unit (FU). One HDSP iPack@ can controls 2 output channels or one HDSP iPack@ is equal to 2 flashers in the NEMA world.

What happened to the Program Card?

We replaced it with MonitorKey.

What does the acronym ADU stand for?

Auxiliary Display Unit (ADU)

Do you use the Program Key for Firmware Updates?

No, the key is used to set the parameters of the monitor.

Can I connect my laptop to the Ethernet port on the CMU and program the Program Key?

No, you can only see the settings on the key. To change the key, you need a MonitorKey unit and the software which you can get from our website.

Will the intersection still operate if I remove the program key from the CMU?

Yes, but if you close the door and the key is not reinstalled, the monitor will put the cabinet in to a latched fault.

Can I use the same Program Key in two different intersections?

Maybe if it's a basic 8 phase intersection or both intersections are exactly alike. But normally each intersection is a little bit different so the keys should reflect the differences.

Can I backup the Data Key on my laptop or network?

Yes, from the MonitorKey software you can archive these files anywhere.

Where is the Red Fail indication on the CMU?

Red Fail indication is called “Lack of Signal” on the CMU.

What is the Serial Port used for on the SIU?

The serial port allows you to test the output of the HDSP. This is for use for developers and cabinet manufacturers.

ATC Component Operation Manuals

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