Reno MMU2 1600GE FAQ


IMPORTANT: It is the user’s responsibility to confirm that the settings generated by the wizard are appropriate for the actual intersection.

The wizard is used to quickly configure a monitor for intersections using standard dual ring phasing.  The first screen is a reminder that the settings generated by the wizard are based on the information provided.  Therefore, if you do not provide the correct information, the wizard will probably not generate the correct configuration.

ANY LED SIGNAL HEADS – If any LED signals are used at the intersection select YES.  If all indications are incandescent select NO.

PED CHANNELS – Selects the pedestrian channels.  The choices are: TS1 – The Walk indication is in the same channel as the vehicle throughs (Type 12 operation) and the Don’t Walks are not monitored.  9-12 – The pedestrian indications are connected to channels 9 through 12.  13-16 – The pedestrian indications are connected to channels 13 through 16.

PED CH REDS TIED HIGH – If TS1 is selected for PED CHANNELS this item will show N/A and cannot be selected.  Otherwise, select whether the pedestrian channel Red (Don’t Walk) inputs are tied to AC+ in the cabinet or to the actual pedestrian channel Reds.  The choices are: YES – The Red input is tied to AC+ and the Don’t Walks are not monitored.  NO – The Red (Don’t Walk) inputs are connected to the Don’t Walk indications.

USE EXTERNAL WATCHDOG – If the cabinet will use the external watchdog feature select YES otherwise select NO.

LEFT TURN CONFIGURATION – There are three selections PROT, MMU2, CONF.

PROT   This left turn is a standard protected left turn movement.  This is the default left turn type.

MMU2   Allows the selection of sixteen FYA configurations types (A thru P). This includes the eight Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) configuration types (A thru H) defined in NEMA TS 2-2003 (R2008) Amendment 4-2012. When a FYA configuration type is selected the following menu will display:

FYA CONFIGURATION  – If NO is selected the Flashing Yellow Arrow permissive and the permissive for the yellow following the FYA are derived from the channel with the FYA driver.  IF YES is selected the Flashing Yellow Arrow permissive and the permissive for the yellow following the FYA are derived from the opposing thru channel.

 ALLOW CONCURRENT YEL – If the Yellow arrow for terminating the Flashing Yellow arrow is allowed to be on at the same time as the Yellow ball for the opposing through movement, select YES.  If the Yellow arrow and the Yellow ball will never be on at the same time, select NO.  This will be the same for all Flashing Yellow arrow left turns.

EASY FYA PROGRAMMING – If NO is selected then permissive jumpers are required between the FYA channel and the associated protected channel. If YESis selected then the permissive jumpers are required between the FYA channel and the associated protected channel. The FYA channel follows the permissive of the associated opposing thru.

IGNORE FYA UNUSED - If NO is selected the unused signal indications in a FYA application are monitored for all expected fault conditions.  If YES is selected the unused signal indications are ignored, and will not cause a fault state.

IGNORE YEL TRAP - If NO is selected then the yellow following a FYA and the opposing thru green will conflict. If YES is selected then all yellow following a FYA and the opposing thru green will not conflict.  A YES allows a faster preemption handling cycle if in FYA

DISABLE FLASH RATE- If NO (default) is selected flash rate monitoring is active. If the FYA is on for greater than 700 milliseconds, the MMU2 will fail with a Dual Indication failure. Bit 81 of the Type 129 Response Frame will be set to 1 to indicate a flash rate failure. If YESis selected and a FYA is on for more than 700 milliseconds the FYA will be treated as a solid yellow arrow indication.

Reno monitors has a base of Sixteen types of FYA

The FYA left turn requires a 4 section head. The 4 indications are a Red Arrow, Solid Yellow Arrow, Flashing Yellow Arrow (permissive) and a Green Arrow. This requires the MMU2 to use 2 channels to monitor A FYA left turn for the proper signals. Some of the MMU2 Configuration Types are more efficient in use of the MMU2 channels. This is important because the MMU2 has a limited number of channels.

Type A, B, C and Drequire 1 channel for each protected left turns (1, 3, 5, 7) and 4 channels for the 4 FYAs. The MMU2 uses 16 channels to monitor the 8 phases and 4 Peds. This leaves 0 MMU2 channels available. The Red and Yellow or the Green of the Protected Left Turn has to be rewired. 

Type E and F require 1 channel for each protected left turns (1, 3, 5, 7) and 4 channels for the 4 FYAs. The MMU2 uses 16 channels to monitor the 8 phases and 4 Peds. This leaves 0 MMU2 channels available. Type E and F uses the opposing Ped Yellow for the Protected Left Turn Green. Type E the MMU2 monitors and displays the opposing Ped Yellows on channels 9G, 10G, 11G and 12G. Type F the MMU2 monitors and displays the opposing Ped Yellows on channels 13G, 14G, 15G and 16G.

Type G and H require 1 channel for each protected left turn (1, 3, 5, 7) and the Ped Yellow for the FYA. The Controller

Unit must be able to use the Ped Yellow as a FYA. FYA Type G has the Peds on channels 9,10,11,12. FYA Type H has the Peds on channels 13,14,15,16. The MMU2 uses 12 channels to monitor the 8 phases and 4 Peds in the FYA Configuration Type G and H. This leaves 4 MMU2 channels available. There is also less cabinet rewiring, because the protected phase remains in 1, 3, 5, 7.

Type I and J require 1 channel for each protected left turns (1, 3, 5,7) and 4 channels for the 4 FYAs. The MMU2 uses 16 channels to monitor the 8 phases and 4 Peds. This leaves 0 MMU2 channels available. Type I and J uses the opposing Ped Yellow for the FYA. Type I the MMU2 monitors and displays the opposing Ped Yellows on channels 9G, 10G, 11G and 12G. Type F the MMU2 monitors and displays the opposing Ped Yellows on channels 13G, 14G, 15G and 16G.  

Type K and Lrequire 1 channel for each protected left turns (1, 3, 5, 7) and 4 channels for the 4 FYAs. Type K assigns the Green of channels 9,10,11,12 as FYAs. Type L assigns the Green of channels 13,14,15,16 as FYAs. The MMU2 all 16 channels to monitor the 8 phases and 4 Peds. There is less cabinet rewiring, because the protected phase remains in 1, 3, 5, 7.

Type K

Type J

Type M, N, O, and P require 1 channel for each protected left turns (1, 3, 5, 7) and 2 channels for the 4 FYAs. The opposing left turn phases 1, 5 and 3, 7 use the Yellow and Green of the same channel for the FYAs. The MMU2 uses 14 channels to monitor the 8 phases and 4 Peds.  This leaves 2 MMU2 channels available. There is also less cabinet rewiring, because the protected phase remains in 1, 3, 5, 7. 

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